May 13-24: library closed to browsing; outdoor book drop open; curbside & phone service available weekdays
Dear Awesome Library Patron,

Good news: we're getting new carpeting!

A key aim of the Library’s Five Year Strategic Plan is to provide a contemporary facility that supports the ever-changing needs of the community. To that end, we are replacing the twenty-year-old carpet beginning Monday, April 22. The entire process will take approximately five weeks with varying levels of patron and staff access to areas and services. All dates and information provided are approximate and subject to change at any time. We will do our best to keep you, our awesome library patron, up to date.

Unfortunately, some of the original floor tiles under the old carpet were made with a small amount of asbestos. The New York State Department of Labor states while it is best to leave materials that contain asbestos alone, once you embark on a renovation, those tiles must be removed by a specially certified, licensed contractor.

Please be assured that the tiles under the carpet did not pose any health risk to our library users or our staff members.

However, in order to remove the tiles properly, we will close the library completely Monday, May 6 – Sunday, May 12. Before, during, and after the project, the air quality will continue to be tested by Paradigm Environmental Services to ensure safety for all.

Once the tiles are safely removed and the air quality tests clean, we will remain closed for an additional two weeks for carpet installation, with limited services. View anticipated schedule below.

We truly appreciate the support of our amazing community as we improve our library for all. Thank you for your patience and forbearance as we do our best to keep you in touch with as many services and materials as we can throughout this process. We look forward to sharing the fresh carpet with you!

Schedule as of April 25
April 22-25 (formerly April 22-26): Children's Room closed
Section closed but staff will have some access to materials and may be able to pull items you're looking for - just ask at the Information Desk. Drop in with your kiddo(s) for open-play times in the Braman Room on Monday-Wednesday, May 22-24, 9:30 AM-12:30 PM!

April 25-May 3 (formerly April 29-May 3): Adult Area closed (nonfiction, fiction, large print, fireplace, quiet study open areas)
Section closed but staff will have some access to materials and may be able to pull items you're looking for - just ask at the Information Desk. Children's Room open.

May 6-12: Library and Outdoor Book Drop closed
The library will be closed to the public and staff during abatement.
Book Drop: because staff cannot enter the building to process book drop returns during this time, our outdoor book drop will be closed until further notice.
Due Dates: all Penfield item due dates will be extended to May 13; no fines will accrue for Penfield items during this week. Once we reopen, we'll work with you to address any fines resulting from other libraries' items that you picked up from Penfield as holds that you were unable to return. You are welcome to drop off items at any other public library in Monroe County. You may also choose to contact the owning library of any non-Penfield item to request a renewal or to inquire about its fine policy if Penfield is closed at the time your item is due.
Holds: any items still on our hold shelf awaiting pickup when we close on Monday, May 6 will be held through Friday, May 17.
Programs: most programs during this time have been canceled or rescheduled - please visit our online program calendar to check on the status of programs you have registered for.
Donations: the Friends will be unable to accept donations until June 1. Beginning Monday, May 13, smaller amounts of donations can be brought to library staff during open hours.
Notary: if you need the services of a notary, we suggest visiting the Clerk's Office at Penfield Town Hall. They usually have notaries available Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-4:30 PM.

May 13-24: Library closed - curbside and phone services available weekdays
The library will be closed to the public while the main floor is carpeted. Curbside orders can be placed online here. Curbside service and telephone reference will be provided in the Braman Room during these hours:
Mondays-Thursdays: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Fridays: 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturdays-Sundays: we will be closed on weekends throughout the project

May 25-27: Library closed for Memorial Day weekend

May 28: Library open
Full services, regular hours, and fresh, snazzy new carpeting await our awesome patrons!